17 Dec Overcoming Yourself: Counteracting the Terrible Ps
Postponing Growth
As you know there are everyday disruptions and people demands that consume most of your time and drain your mind. Nevertheless, accepting the status quo and giving up on yourself won’t help you get out of this maze. How long can you go on like this? What emotions are building up inside you? Who do you resent most already? Do you blame others for not putting yourself first? If you keep asking these questions and thinking you have no choice in the matter, you will soon feel angry and hopeless, and certainly lose all your motivation to grow, learn, express yourself, accomplish…However, you have a choice: you can accept responsibility for taking care of yourself and redefine your relationships in the process, using the right questions followed by concrete actions. What can I do today to work without distractions? What responsibilities can I delegate to others? What can I add to my day to make it more satisfying? Who do I talk to in order to get the time and support I need?
Under normal circumstances you might be able to function in automatic mode. Everyday you have a routine and get things done the same way. However, life is not that simple: finding a job, keeping it, building partnerships, growing a family, moving away, starting fresh, pursuing a career and/or moving upwards…all require a new way of doing and seeing things. Getting things done is not a given anymore when the task at hand is unfamiliar or ‘big’ and/or you don’t have any guidance/support or a team on your side. Moreover, anxiety naturally kicks in and so you react. Depending on your style or type you might fall into one of two extremes: you fully prepare and start way ahead maybe missing life in the process just or worst fear paralyzes you and you do nothing at all. You are now definitely in the procrastinating zone. There is no need however to panic further. There is definite truth in the statement ‘divide and conquer’. You can certainly find for free here or out there all the guidance you need to take that first step and start the whole enterprise leaving procrastination immediately behind.
Perpetuating a Bad Habit
And finally there is the vice! You know what you are doing does not help you in anyway. You know you are choosing the easy way out. You want to quit and move to bigger or healthier things. However you are going in circles. It is not easy to deal with everyday life and you certainly need a break at some point during the day. The risk is to make that something a permanent habit and to stay stuck in the feeling that you no longer have a choice. However, rules are meant to be broken and a bad pattern is no different than any other set of rules. You can start with the self-efficacy belief that says you can do great with who you are, and then take an action step away from your habit and into developing a purposeful life.
Counteracting the Terrible Ps
- Accept responsibility for taking care of yourself and redefine your relationships
- Use the right questions followed by concrete actions
- Who will you talk to for the time and support you need to develop yourself?
- There is definite truth in the statement ‘divide and conquer’
- Take that first step and start the whole enterprise leaving procrastination behind
- You don’t want to stay stuck in the feeling that you no longer have a choice
- You need to quit the vice and move to bigger and healthier things
- Start with the self-efficacy belief that says you can do great with who you are already
- Always aim at a purposeful life and be a star yourself